Max Mace, Founder
The Heritage Singers
The worldwide ministry of The Heritage Singers has inspired people in 80 countries and the United States, performing over 7,000 concerts, producing 200 TV programs, and recording more than 100 albums.
Dear Jere,
My life entered a new plane of joy yesterday. Jim Gilley’s first-service sermon so ably introduced theme of “Rejoice.” He was heaven selected to teach and demonstrate true Christ-filled joy, launching the experience the Lord was leading us into. I will never forget his powerful portrayal of a God who, though he inhabits eternity, is not essentially the “I Was,” or the “I Will,” but the “I Am.” And the Christian brotherhood inclusiveness of his reference to John Carter’s sermon entitled “Why I will not see Mother Theresa in heaven.” – because she will be so close to the throne and I will be so far back I will not be able to see her. Powerful. The entire evening program was so representative of what Christianity and specifically Seventh-day Adventist Christianity truly is. Like a mighty engine perfectly timed and tuned it proceeded from Jim’s introduction, through Max and the Heritage Singers, even including our favorite sons, Terry and Perry, to your moving testimony, to the joyful commitment conclusion. The evening was not a performance it was an experience. How often, standing before a congregation, have I longed to individually wrap each congregant personally in the safety and joy of the Savior’s healing love. The Rejoice program achieved that last night. Dear Max and the Heritage Singers have never been more real in their testimony of praise. No arrogance or condescension, just pure fellow travelers by word and song rejoicing in the presence and power of our Savior. Their long ministry is such a witness to the enduring joy of following Jesus. The diversity in age and experience among the singers and instrumentalists only enriched their witness. The keyboard artist. That poor little man has a chronic, terminal case of rejoicing. Watching his heart beat with joy overflowing into singing and whole body participation in praise, was a true inspiration. For the first time I understood, and felt like I was participating in, David’s joy and dancing before the Lord at the return of the Arc of the Covenant to Jerusalem. The Lord took over your testimony. With not a word too many or too few, His voice came through. Your application of the passages in Philippians was exactly on target and was so very meaningful and encouraging to each of us who struggle with our own problems. You held out a new vista of joy and confidence and trust to each of us – and we accepted it. The lifetime achievement award for the Christian will come only when the Lord Himself declares, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” But for Jim Gilley, Max and the Heritage Singers and their instrumentalists, for my friend Jere Webb, and for the congregation Shantel and I were a part of, it was a lifetime experience. Thank you to you and to all who helped sponsor “Rejoice.” In Christian love, Tom Robinson |
Jere Webb, Guest Speaker
Realtor, Publisher & Businessman
Jere shared his incredible story of miraculous healing from metastatic kidney cancer.